
01 January 2009

In honor of the Goddess of Compassion



Lady of Peace: A small detail of my Quan Yin altar 2020

Offerings of love to Thee, Quan Yin.

I light incense and chant Her Praise mantra:

Namo Guan-Shi-Yin Pusa 
Ná Mó Guān Shì Yīn Pú Sà


O Guan Shi Yin 
(Listener of the World’s Cries)
Wise Being.

Recite 7 times

Lady of Forgiveness - detail of my Quan Yin Altar 2021

Quan Yin Invocation 
Mother of Love and Compassion 
Bestow your wisdom upon me 
Help me see humanity through your eyes 
Help me master the love and compassion that you hold near your heart of Gold 
Help me shine like a beacon in the night and see my reflection in your tear of love 
Quan Yin I thank you for your tireless love and your patience and hope for humanity
Shanti~ Shanti~ Shanti 


Shanti a Sanskrit word meaning peace or inner peace; chanted three times to represent peace threefold in body, mind, spirit

Other Blessings & Prayers

Invocation and mantra part of my personal collection - authors unknown

Quan Yin in memory of 2009 & all Goddesses shared.