
28 February 2023

Embody Luonnotar

A Luonnotar-woman always has deep compassion for how far she's come. 
It doesn't mean she never asks for help; she just never fears going it alone.

I knew that if I allowed fear to overtake me, my journey was doomed. Fear, to a great extent, is born of a story we tell ourselves, and so I chose to tell myself a different story from the one women are told. I decided I was safe. I was strong. I was brave. Nothing could vanquish me.
― Cheryl Strayed, Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail

Her Themes:
Creativity, Tradition, Fertility, Beginnings
Her Symbols:
Egg, East Wind, Poetry

27 February 2023

Embody Laka

A Laka-woman always dares to dance from the pureness of her heart.
It doesn't mean she never feels shy, she just never feels ashamed.

Kahuna Nui Hale Kealohalani Makua.
Love all you see, including yourself.

― Hawaiian proverb

Her Themes:
Tradition, Heritage, Weather, Arts,
Her Symbols:
Lei Flowers, Dance, Yellow

26 February 2023

Embody Oba

An Oba-woman always makes the best of her current life experience.
It doesn't mean she never cries a river; she just never drowns in misery.

A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.
 – Maya Angelou

Her Themes:
Protection, Manifestation, Movement, Energy, Restoration, Flexibility
Her Symbol:

25 February 2023

Embody Asherah

An Asherah-woman always births herself by giving her creative power form.
It doesn't mean she never fears
; she just never taints the holiness of being.
(She's) the living tree to those who flower in her wake; Those who embrace Her know the power of Asherah. 
Beingness, blessed beingness.
Mystery, blessed mystery.

Prov. 3:18 tells of female Wisdom: "She shall be a tree of life to all who lay hold on Her".  

—  Janet Maika’i Rudolph

Her Themes: 
Kindness, Love, Divination, Foresight
Her Symbols:
Lion, Lilies, a Tree or Pole

24 February 2023

Embody Kali

A Kali-woman always expresses herself fearlessly and authentically.
It doesn't mean she never has regrets; she just never fakes it, or holds back.

Whether Kali seems terrifying, fascinating, or loving depends on our state of consciousness and our level of both emotional and spiritual development. But she always invites us to a radical form ego-transcendence.

—  Sally Kempton
Awakening to Kali: The Goddess of Radical Transformation 

Her Themes:
Rebirth, Cycles, Joy, Courage, Hope, Cleansing, Change
Her Symbols:
Flowers, Dance, Iron, Sword, Peacock, Feathers, Honey

23 February 2023

Embody Minerva

A Minerva-woman always has the determination and will to win.
It doesn’t mean she never loses; she just never lets herself be defeated.

Defeat? I do not recognize the meaning of the word!

—  Margaret Thatcher, Iron Lady

Her Themes:

Earth, Home

Her Symbols:

  Owl, Geranium    

22 February 2023

Embody Binah

A Binah-woman always trusts her inner wisdom and higher knowing.
It doesn't mean she never questions
; she just never doubts herself.

Like a candle whose flame may light another without diminishing its own, or a flare of pure intent that blossoms from the heart of existence and out into the world. Her energy brings with it a desire for knowledge. She is the force that churns all the the potential from higher Emanations into a form that can be received by our consciousness.

—  unknown 

Her Themes:
Peace, Cooperation, Communication, Unity, Spirituality
Her Symbols:
Bees, Lilies, Lead

21 February 2023

Embody Libitina

A Libitina-woman always welcome change, death and transformation.
It doesn't mean she never fears letting go; she just never fears renewal.
She was only walking. She was not the one who’s thoughts and tongue turned to Venus Libitina, and found the goddess wanting.
Everything is about death and rebirth, except for death and rebirth - which are about coming home.                      

—  unknown

Her Themes:
Death, Freedom
Her Symbol:

20 February 2023

Embody Oniata

An Oniata-woman always shares her deepest truth and inner beauty.
It doesn't mean she never feels vulnerable
; she just never fears being seen

Whenever she turned her steep focus to me, I felt the warmth that flowers must feel when they bloom through the snow, under the first concentrated rays of the sun.

 ― Janet Fitch, White Oleander

Her Themes:
Recreation, Good Sportsmanship
Her Symbols:
Early-blooming Flowers, Snow