
11 January 2023

Embody Banba

A  Banba-woman always honors her inner wildness, and its fertile magick.
It doesn't mean she never gives; she just never allows herself to be taken.

There is a love of wild nature in everybody, an ancient mother-love showing itself whether recognized or no, and however covered by cares and duties.
― John Muir

Her Theme:
Her Symbol:

08 January 2023

Embody Eleithyia

An Eleithyia-woman always midwives creative power, for self and others.
It doesn't mean she never passes the torch; she just never stops inspiring.
I want us all to grow so comfortable in our own feelings, our own knowing, our own imagination that we become more committed to our own joy, freedom, and integrity than we are to manipulating what others think of us. I want us to refuse to betray ourselves. Because what the world needs now, in order to evolve, is to watch one woman at a time, live her truest, most beautiful life without asking for permission or offering explanation.
― Glennon Doyle, Untamed

Her Themes:
Birth, Children, Creativity, Fertility
Her Symbols:
A Torch, White Flowers

07 January 2023

Embody Arachne

An Arachne-woman always creates beauty by forgiving herself and others.
It doesn't mean she never fears being judged; she just never holds a grudge.


But I feel so helpless. 
That is usually the rule when you are taken advantage of. You can be the most powerful witch in the land, but you will always have a weakness, and that will always make you believe you have no power when someone exploits it. There is no greater strength than the ability to understand and accept your own flaws.
If there is one thing I have is that we must always be in the business of forgiveness, lest we become consumed by our anger. 
― Rin Chupeco, The Bone Witch

Her Themes:
Work, Weaving, Destiny
Her Symbols:
Web, Spinning Wheel, Needle

06 January 2023

Embody Kore

A Kore-woman always radiates youthfulness and energy, despite her years.
It doesn't mean she never ages- she owns it; she just never believes she's old.

People often wondered what it was that made her so very compelling. Why she drew people in again and again? It wasn’t her beauty or her talent, though many, including myself, found those impossible to argue. I believe it was because she refused to deny the storm of her. She wasn’t all sunny days and brightness, and she knew it. Most people shy away from their own darkness, but she cast it across the sky without shame and it turns out none of us could resist the raw truth of that.
- for women who harness the storm.

― Jeanette LeBlanc

Her Themes:
Luck, Cycles, Youthful Energy
Her Symbols:
Coins, Corn, the number 7, Flower buds, Pomegranate

05 January 2023

Embody Befana

A Bafana-woman always honors ancient wisdom and her own Crone insight.
It doe
sn't mean she never succumbs to doubt; she just never dwells therein. 

For some she came in a dream. For others in words as clear as a bell: It is time, I am here. She may come in a whisper so loud she can deafen you or a shout so quiet you strain to hear. She may appear in the waves or the face of the moon, in a red goddess or a crow.

Who is She?
She is your power, your Feminine source. Big Mama. The Goddess. The Great Mystery. The web-weaver. The life force. The first time, the twentieth time, you may not recognize her. Or pretend not to hear. As she fills your body with ripples of terror and delight.

But when she calls you will know you’ve been called. Then it is up to you to decide if you will answer.

― Lucy H. Pearce, Burning Woman

Her Themes:
Overcoming Evil, Wisdom
Her Symbols:
Broom, Horns, Hag Poppets

04 January 2023

Embody Callisto

A Callisto-woman always trusts her instincts; and follows starry dreams.
It doesn't mean she never fears Mama bear; she just never lacks protection. 

Take risks! That is really what life is about. We must pursue our own happiness. Nobody has ever lived our life; there are no guidelines. 
Trust your instincts. Accept nothing but the best. But then also look for it carefully. Don't allow it to slip between your fingers. Sometimes, good things come to us in a such a quiet fashion. And nothing comes complete. It is what we make of whatever we encounter, that determines the outcome. What we choose to see, what we choose to save. And what we choose to remember. Never forget that all the love in your life is there, inside you, always.

― Linda Olsson, Astrid and Veronika

Her Themes:
Instinct, Protection, Flexibility
Her Symbols:
Bear, Willow Branches, Ursa Major Constellation

03 January 2023

Embody Chin Mu

A Chin Mu-woman always heals herself with life's juiciest sweetness.
It doesn't mean she never feels old or ugly; she just never believes it's true!

You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches.
― Dita Von Teese

Her Themes:
Health, Longevity, Femininity, Magick
Her Symbols:
Peach, Mulberry, Cats, Gold-toned Objects

02 January 2023

Embody Benten

A Benten-woman always feels beautiful, rich and so incredibly lucky.
It doesn't mean she never has need; she just never forgets her inner reserves.
Meanwhile, when you listen to your heart and connect with who you’re meant to become, you have energy because you’re in a state of flow, things happen more easily, opportunities land in your lap, you’re turned on, inspired, engulfed in a sea of brilliant ideas. 
― Jen Sincero

Her Themes:
Luck, Wealth, Beauty
Her Symbols:
Boats, Dragons, Guitars, Snakes, Saltwater

01 January 2023

Embody Gamelia

A Gamelia-woman always lives from a heart centered place of wholeness.
It doesn't mean she is never fragmented
; she just never separates from soul.

Half of me is filled with bursting words and half of me is painfully shy. I crave solitude yet also crave people. I want to pour life and love into everything, yet also nurture my self-care and go gently. I want to live within the rush of primal, intuitive decision, yet also wish to sit and contemplate. This is the messiness of life - that we all carry multitudes, so must sit with the shifts.
We are complicated creatures, and ultimately, the balance comes from this understanding. Be water. Flowing, flexible and soft. Subtly powerful and open. Wild and serene. Able to accept all changes, yet still led by the pull of steady tides. It is enough. You can be both soft and intense. Both vulnerable and strong. Both traditional and rebellious. Both romantic and realistic. Both feminine and oceanic, yet filled with slow burning fire. There is possibility inside of paradox. There is a universe of different perceptions.
― Victoria Erickson

Her Themes:
Luck, Health, Prosperity, New Beginnings
Her Symbols:
Two-sided Items, Representations of Old and New