
06 January 2023

Embody Kore

A Kore-woman always radiates youthfulness and energy, despite her years.
It doesn't mean she never ages- she owns it; she just never believes she's old.

People often wondered what it was that made her so very compelling. Why she drew people in again and again? It wasn’t her beauty or her talent, though many, including myself, found those impossible to argue. I believe it was because she refused to deny the storm of her. She wasn’t all sunny days and brightness, and she knew it. Most people shy away from their own darkness, but she cast it across the sky without shame and it turns out none of us could resist the raw truth of that.
- for women who harness the storm.

― Jeanette LeBlanc

Her Themes:
Luck, Cycles, Youthful Energy
Her Symbols:
Coins, Corn, the number 7, Flower buds, Pomegranate

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