
21 August 2022

Love Letter to Ahes

Goddess art by Tammy Wampler 

Beloved Goddess,

Symbolizing the abundance of the vast sea, gorgeous and wild, your beauty and the depth of your eyes mirror its courageous passion. 

Ahes, how brave you are in your loveliness, fighting against the influential religious forces who try to turn you into some monstrous, frightening figure because you do not conform to their beliefs...

Perhaps, they are correct in fearing loss of their followers- those weary of shallow lies, those who would give up everything to drown in your fertile feminine depths and find their authentic voice, their true calling- truth and comfort in your wise, ancient ways. 

Yes, your power is that great! Like that of a siren, your seductive soul song is hauntingly provocative, but also healing. Only, when you sing, those who hear are not doomed. But, offered solace, providence and blessings. 

You call lost souls home. 

Home within your loving embrace.

Please continue standing as a beckon of light: Guiding those lost and adrift at sea. those afraid in the darkness. Offering hope to all who struggle to stay afloat, unable to endure the storms of life.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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