
15 August 2022

Love Letter to Anahita

Goddess art by unknown

Beloved Goddess,

Lady of Heaven, the pure flowing force of the Universe, I bow before Thee. 

Please flow through me. 

Zoroastrian Moon Goddess, you shine upon the face of darkness and illuminate love in every corner. 

Please shine your light upon the darkness of my life, within me... replace this loneliness with true love. Grant me a pleasurable and lasting union.

Water Goddess, your essence purifies all that is unclean, toxic and tainted with fear. 

Please cleanse my holy temple, my body, mind, heart and soul, to make room for the divine blessings, the life-giving power, and all the beautiful things you have promised to me. 

I have scrubbed the floors of my home with pine branches and evergreen oil to prepare my sacred space for your holy presence. 

Please usher in your bountiful love. 

I lit a white candle upon my altar. 

I pray:

Lady of Purity, Lady of Light, be welcome in my home and heart and sight. Purify me so your honor, passion and love can flow unhindered in my body, in my mind and in my life. Lady of Purity, Lady of Light, be with me day and night.

Please wash and carry the darkness of this time away. Give me hope that my life will be full of love and joyful movement, again. Grant that I may equally give and receive love and pleasure again.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly 

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