
10 August 2022

Love Letter to Auge


Beloved Goddess, 

You are a constant source of inspiration and illumination. Though, after a lifetime of observing and mastering the wisdom of the flame, I still sense that you are far more than I am aware.

Even as an apprentice, learning the ancient arts of cooking, homemaking, purification, alchemy, passion, sexuality under your divine guidance and tutelage, I always knew there were secrets yet unrevealed. Even after all these years, as skilled as I am, I wonder what remains hidden. Maybe this year, you will show me?

When I was a little girl, grandmother told me to be ever mindful of fire. 

Fire holds the power of the Goddess. She dwells within the flame; in fact, is fire, itself! Always remember that she sleeps within you! 
And, child, be ever mindful of the fire that dwells within you... Be wise, so you don't get burned!

Her words have stayed with me always... even when I didn't understand what she meant. Like the fiery warmth of the ancient hearth whose magick is forever a mystery, so too, is your magick. Women hold your flame within.

Within our sacred womb space we burn with your creative Shakti power. We carry the secret wisdom of the Universe; the hidden flames of sexual passion and divine fertility in our bodies: the life force of the Universe. 

The source of your power is unknowable. Your beauty symbolizes the divine, truth, light, wisdom, warmth, nourishment and protection for those who inhabit and seek comfort of home. 

Unseen is your face. No one knows your name. Though we call you Auge. Odd, as it means "eye". 

You are the unseen witness flickering in the flame; the ever present eye that watches over us all- both flesh and spirit. You are the divine fiery eye of the creative Universe; the eye of fire which was an ancient alchemical symbol of destruction. You are the sacred source of love, desire, power, strength and life force energy! The holy symbol of transformation- changing food into energy for our body, changing the spoken or written word into nourishment for our soul, ideas into actions, feelings into expression, dreams into reality, intentions into blessings.

Offering myself upon the altar of home... upon the hearth for purification, I give myself to you. Please refurbish my body, mind and spirit to better align with the holiness of my higher calling. Please transform me into the holy vessel of pure love.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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