
13 August 2022

Love Letter to Xmucane


Beloved Goddess, 

Of time, when the calculations and functions of calendars and sacred cycles merge with the unfolding of days, you, Prophetess, divine past and future as the ever present NOW.  

This is where we always find one another- in the present moment. Only, I am not as adept as you in seeing the creative energy that makes up time. Only slowly beginning, learning to play with it, and shift and alter it from its fluid confines. 

Grandmother, though you've taught me much about the concept of time- its illusionary aspects are still a mystery. How is it possible to bend and morph it into something others say it isn't and can't be? And, yet, it is! How can past and future merge simultaneously with the present? Most perplexing of all: No time. It's not even real! Simply a construct of the mind?

As the maker of the blue-green bowl, I am in awe of the wonder that is you! I look into your eyes and I am lost within myself. I gaze into the sky and find everything and nothing.

Light and darkness. Sun and moon. You!

Show me how to divine wisdom, that I may know the mysteries that dwell within me, of which I belong and am part of. Show me the way to be here, now- aware only of this present, ever unfolding moment. 

Xmucane, did time really end in 2012 as the Mayan calendar said it would? Are we now living in a dream? Everything is so odd... nothing is as it was before. Are we just going through the motions of what we perceive as our reality, based on what once was? Simply following where we thought our future would go? Is there some form of divination that can reveal the mysteries of time? If so, please reveal them. I must know!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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