
16 August 2022

Love Letter to Al-Lat

Goddess art by Jo Jayson


Beloved Goddess,

I stand before you. humble in devotion, quiet and adoring in dedication to the holiness of All.  The vastness of the Universe is found in a single breath, and I am honored to be alive.

Lighting a candle upon the altar, I offer my awareness and vow to focus my consciousness upon my faith throughout my life, trusting that your Love will always guide and flow within me. 

Spending a moon lit evening in meditation, seeking deeper meaning and insight into the sacred texts, the poetic soul songs, and the Mystery and Magick of the Divine written upon my skin and within the pages of my soul; I quiet my mind in the depths of belonging and hold you close- creating sacred space for you to forever abide.

Journaling, I write every observation that came through... every whisper of insight and hint of wisdom. Inspired by your pure and just presence, I contemplate the good deeds and positive actions I will take to embody your holy essence in the home where I abide - here on Earth and in the temple I am given.

Having gathered numerous white items, that, for me, represent your divine lunar energy (moonstone, coral, selenite and labradorite), I solemnly speak:

Within these stones of white,
Al-Lat place your protective light. 
Wherever these are placed around, 
your safety and presence shall ever abound.

 Then, place them in every corner of my home. I love you. Be ever with me.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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