
07 August 2022

Love Letter to Sopdet

Beloved Goddess,

Ancient Queen of Sirius, the Dog Star, the brightest star in the heavens, I bow before Thee. And, call upon you to guide me to fulfill my sacred destiny. Please lead me in more favorable ways. I feel so small and weak, as if a candle flickering in the darkness. . . 

Star Goddess, please remember me. Ignite the soul stuff that will help illuminate me as you intend.

Something strange has befallen time - or my perception of it, anyway. It seems to be passing in a flash one moment and lingering in excruciating ways at others, as if unable to move beyond an unpleasant event or cycle. Please reset the divine order so my days and nights so they make sense, so that the weeks aren't leaving as quickly as sand through my fingers. I have much to accomplish and I fear I am running out of time.
And, yet, I know that I am not, because you have taught me that time is only an illusion. I will trust in your wisdom and realign all my 'not enough time' fear thoughts with the expansive nature of the Universe. 

I came across this relic of you last week, and can't help but notice that your star headdress looks a lot like a starfish. A creature of the unfathomable ocean, a creature who knows the power of regeneration. Thank you for this sign that you're still with me, guiding me. 

Star Goddess, just like The Star card in the tarot (which reveals itself over and over again in my readings), please inspire me... Bring renewed hope and please restore my faith in my self and my ability to make wise choices that creates a life that is supportive, comforting and enlightening, one in which I can truly fulfill my soul purpose. I can sense that I am blessed and deeply loved by the Universe at this uncertain time. Please help me to love myself enough to receive all the blessings that are given to me.

Skilled Woman, how I miss you! In times past, we spent so much time together, and now, I seem to have strayed so far from my path... I don't know why I no longer sit beneath the stars and commune with you as I once did... now why I no longer watch for signs that you are near. Please help me to shake off this unseen burden, this annoying nagging feeling of dismay so I may be at peace once more, and able to focus on something worthwhile.
Sopdet, embrace me and show me my own inner light that I may shine truth upon the shadows that keep me bound by fear and trepidation. Empower me to rise above the limitations that hold me back, that keep me from living life as I have planned. Help me to be the daughter you have taught me to be... 
Beloved Mother, I know you have received my message before I have even finished writing this letter, as I just saw a star shooting across the sky! 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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