
01 August 2022

Love Letter to Tailtiu


Beloved Goddess,

Earth Goddess, I honor earths holy cycles and seasons. Queen! How beautiful you are! Great Mother! How precious, loving and kind you are. Wise, all knowing Goddess, only you feel the longing of humanity. Our ache and want for true love, peace and safety... Great Mother, I hold the deepest respect for you; and an ever blossoming love for your gifts and presence in my life. Mother, I was told that you pushed yourself beyond your endurance, strength and vigor for our benefit, knowing that from sheer exhaustion you would die from your labor of love.  You gave yourself that we might live and thrive. 

Goddess of Endurance and Sovereignty, bless me, reveal the mysteries of my own deep heart that I may love as selflessly as you, teach me to transform fear and self-doubt into the purest gold. Search my heart and fill my life with your divine feminine essence that I may comfort and nurture others. Empower me to willingly sacrifice bad habits, misdeeds, wrong thinking and all that is not serving me or the good of all. Help me to clear away all that hinders me from being the fullness of my potential, that keeps me from loving with all of my heart and soul... Guide me in growing only that which will truly nourish my mind, body and spirit. I trust that whatever dies will rise again as something more harmonious, pleasing and useful. Beloved Mother, take from me all that holds me back, all that keeps me fearful, and hesitant to give myself wholly to others - to earth, life! Show me the way to internalize your grace that I may learn from your example. Guide me in being a daughter you can be proud of. 

Today, at first harvest, on Lammas, I am full of gratitude for the abundance you gift us. For the bountiful fruit of the earth, I am so thankful! With joy and gratitude, I sing your praises! Help us to restore balance within our own self, but also in the ways we live on earth.

Earlier this morning, I sat on the sweet earth, in bed of clover, and felt so loved, so lucky, so blessed. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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