
31 July 2022

Love Letter to The Narucnici


Beloved Goddesses,

At my birth, you three determined my fate and gave me the divine gifts of spirituality and divination. You looked upon me with such loving intentions and then, blessed me with compassion, acute awareness, kindness. and an unending desire to love and be loved. 

Often, you have altered my destiny when you saw me rushing blindly into disaster; though you honored my choices, albeit ill-informed, and allowed me to feel intense passion, hurt and sorrow. 

I don't know what my fate holds in the future or how long my life shall be, but I am most grateful for the kindnesses you've shown to me along my journey, and the ways you have protected me from danger and guided me on my mystic path.

You are the ones that helped open my third eye and have instructed me to intuitively attune to the divine through oracles, tarot, signs and the seemingly random synchronicities that have tied and woven together wisdom and magick.

Please continue watching over me with your sightless eyes.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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