
11 July 2022

Love Letter to Nemetona


Beloved Goddess,

How I love to visit you in your sacred grove! Within your protective presence my soul feels calm - hushed. Lulled by the sound of the wind singing to the leaved branched of the trees. Here, with you, I am one with nature - One with the Goddess. Home!

Within the grove, where trees become shrine, and the earth, herself, is my church, my temple -I pray to both witches and fairies, asking for magick and luck as I live my life outside of the grove. Yet, continually, I dream of remaining here, living amid the tangled roots and thick moss. Making a house in the hallow of an ancient tree... living in harmony with nature - in sublime peace. 

So, while I am here, I sit beneath the strong sheltering branches of this old tree, listening for wisdom, grounding my energy, pressing my body against its thick trunk - hugging and never wanting to leave. I make wishes for joy and protection always, not only for myself, but for us all. 

We all secretly want to reclaim our mystic bond with the earth, with nature, with the trees and with you, Nemetona. Please make a place where I may live forever with you.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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