
24 July 2022

Love Letter to Vatiaz

Beloved Goddess,

I can still see the intensity of your eyes upon me the first time we met. You stared into my soul as if you were claiming it as your own. As if by looking into the depths of me, I would be filled with a remembrance of who I am, from where I came, to whom my soul belonged. 

Strangely, somehow, I did!

We spoke very little that day, and yet, I felt as if I had known you always. Quietly, you took my hand like a mother, or a sister. And, led me along a high mountain path with steep edges and sharp turns. 

Fearlessly, I followed. Somehow knowing if you were leading me, I was safe to walk the trail you blazed. Despite my fear of falling from great heights, I walked with confidence and steadfast faith.

At the top of the ledge, we stood side by side overlooking a vast valley and a snake like river that shimmered in the sunlight. 

We stood there for a long time, without making a sound until my breath became calm and steady... deep and slow.

When suddenly, an unexpectedly shrill whistle pierced the silence. I almost lost my balance in surprised disbelief at witnessing the sound coming from your beautifully sensual mouth. 

Swiftly, in a single motion, you took hold of my arm and lifted it high with your own as we reached into the clear blue sky. What I thought was a sign of triumph, was actually an invitation, a summons. As, from seemingly nowhere, a huge hawk flew into view! You dropped my hand just as it came in and landed on your leather banded arm. His sharp beady gaze landed on me and reverently, I held back an urge to laugh as its head turned this way and that, as if sizing me up. My muffled amusement swiftly turned into awe as he spread his wings wide before me, as if revealing his power and reminding me of his strength.

Like the hawk, you embody the gifts of endurance and well-being. Teaching by example, how to freely, but metaphorically fly above and beyond all limitations. how to use the power of vision, wisdom, intuition to see from a higher perspective. 

Mindfully observing and focusing on the task at hand, instead of allowing fear or distraction to keep me from accomplishing my goals.

Woman of Great Strength, I call upon you for the gift of physical prowess and endurance. Please motivate me to move my body- empower me to dance and walk with passion and purpose Help me to stand in my personal power, embodying the essence of excellence which you so effortlessly exude. 

Grant me the ongoing vitality to participate more fully and fervently in my daily life that I may align with my higher purpose and highest good.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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