
23 July 2022

Love Letter to Freyja


    Beloved Goddess, 

Lady, your glory radiates like the holiest of light;  with tenderness, you watch over all known and secret matters of my heart. 
Goddess, it is you who keeps my heart open, no matter how often I long to seal it closed and hide the key in the depths of the ocean that holds every tear I've ever cried. Yet, somehow, you continue to encourage me to never give up hope. 

Early this morning while walking along the edge of the forest, I came upon a wild patch of strawberries! Thick and wide, with leaves as dark as the pine trees... I let out a gasp of delighted pleasure at the unexpectedness marvel! The sun poured down a bright beam of light illuminating tiny bursts of red. As if by magick, they called to me, each small berry so shiny and bright! As I sat upon the soft earth, I took slow, deep breaths, marveling at their fresh fragrance; awakening a memory from so long ago. Closing my eyes in delight as their sweetness spread the warm flavor of summer over my tongue. Juicy and real in a way store bought strawberries never are! It was as if I were in a  fairy land, the wonder of mysteries dancing around and within me...

Leaving more than I ate for others, I prayed as each berry filled me with joy, Freyja, teach me the magick needed to be strong, to be passionate and devoted endlessly to my souls dream- the soulful dream that still awaits reality. 

I'm trusting in you to illuminate my heart path, that I may follow the trail of love always with undying faith. Show me the way that my life may be as sweet and bright as this gift you've given me, today.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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