
01 July 2022

Love Letter to Grismadevi

Beloved Goddess,

From early morning to late into the evening, summers heat, more often than not, is so obscenely hot, intense, tedious, draining- Yet, this year, so far, it has been pleasant; almost enjoyable! Thank you for sending your two sacred elephants to magickly, miraculously shower my skin in coolness. No longer does the heat feel like a torment to my body, mind and spirit. This is a new experience for me!
Somehow, I have been altered! Or, maybe, my limited perception has shifted... Either way, suddenly, summer has become a season of spiritual refreshment and grace- offering me a deep sense of contentment. 

Devi Summer. . . Keeping true to the meaning of your name, your gifts are abundant and sweet. The shape of your womanly body reminds me of mine when I was younger. I can feel your essence inviting me closer. Encouraging me to embody your light, your heat, your blossoming. . . Reminding me to love myself. As I practice showering my own flesh with all the blessings I already possess, I trust that I will be restoring my authentic sensuality- in ways that will eventually look supple, lush, ripe. And, without announcement, my body will simply let go of constraint. Willingly it will open. Softly, it will surrender to the magick of unfolding- allowing what is - to be. 

Effortlessly, may my true souls essence, unknowingly perhaps, be physically revealed. Unconscious of its fragrant hidden core, may my heart centered vulnerability be exposed; and like a lotus, accentuate my Goddess given beauty. Without reservation, may my inner strength be fully revealed, a perpetual invitation attracting honey seekers and those lovingly devoted to the divine within.

Grismadevi, you show me that there is strength in being sultry, unashamed of my realness, unafraid of my feral power, and unapologetic of my natural softness. To embody you, is to delight in the uninhibited exchange of receiving and giving. 

Grant me the wisdom of honoring my own authentic self expression... Show me that my power is enhanced whenever I open myself to offered gifts and opportunities. By living in each now moment, I align with everything sacred. By honoring the sacred cycles, I can rest, enjoy my re-creations and the constant blossoming of time, and thereby enable myself to witness the truth and embody the fullness of my own divine essence and natural magick.

Please continue to support my efforts and energize Goddess-centered living. Help me to more consciously focus on mystical goals and with more holy intention, embrace the Goddess power that grows within me, daily. 

As I take a much needed reprieve to reclaim my goddess centered purpose, today, please keep me close to your heart, as I hold you close to mine.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly  

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