
19 July 2022

Love Letter to Laima


Beloved Goddess,
In the earlier hours of morning, after meditating in the forest temple, I went for a walk to gather wild summer flowers: Larkspur, Queen Anne's Lave, Smooth Aster, 
Pink Evening Primrose, Purple Coneflower, Chicory, Blazing Star, Wild Bergamot, Downy Phlox, Spider Lily and Butterfly Weed. They were so beautiful woven into a wreath. I wore it all afternoon, in your honor, like a crown. The fragrance of the each flower married into a scent both fresh and spicy. I felt like a fairy queen!

While writing in my journal after sketching a butterfly I saw by the lakes edge, I was utterly delighted and enchanted when you gracefully swooped into my life, in the form of a swan; reminding me of the transformative power of love! 
As I sat there, you glided on the water, almost close enough to reach out and touch. Quietly, we gazed upon one another for long, unhurried moments.  I marveled and smiled in pure wonderment at your pristine beauty, you were seemingly entranced by my wreath. 
Then as if a dream, I watched as you emerged from the water, no longer a swan, but a woman; breath-taking in your exquisite form and grace!

Standing over me, drops of water slid off your body and fell softly upon my feet and legs, where my long skirt did not cover. Reaching down with both hands cupped as if in offering you bent near to me. Our eyes transfixed upon one another. Giving me three and seven swan feathers, you said that they hold the power to help me change from one form into another. 

Keep these three together, bundled with a green linden or birch sauna besom, you instructed, to use whenever I am in need- to request luck, love and blessings. Use each of the seven, one at a time as needed, to manifest at will and receive gifts of beauty, magick, unity, faery wisdom, marriage, a more beneficial destiny, and my protection during pregnancy or any creative process. These magickal charms were given, you said, that I may remember how loved I truly am; that I may shift my awareness at any time, that I may change my mind and my body at whim and live the life I desire with all my heart and soul. 
You then kissed me and turn slowly away, looking over your shoulder as you returned to the water. As you stepped into the calm water, you shapeshifted back into the form of a swan, and began to sing a loud song. Somehow I understood your unfamiliar language; the lyrics were a message of the power and magick of self love. You were singing to me a love story of me, finally loving myself! With every word, I felt an ever deepening and abiding sense of happiness!
I listened and watched until I could no longer see your whiteness on the water... so far away you had drifted. Looking down at the feathers in my lap, I noticed for the first time, a golden key! Did you mean to leave it for me? Will you return for it? So many questions filled my mind. Was it a symbol that loving myself is the key that will open the door to my true fate? 

So in awe I was of your magnificent beauty and grace, of your words, of these gifts, that I never spoke a word. 
I'm sorry. I forgot to say:
Thank you!

-Yours devotedly

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