
28 July 2022

Love Letter to Old Woman of the Sea

Beloved Goddess,

Your body contains the waters of the earth... Having collected every tear we've ever cried, your fathomless heart is full to overflowing- faithfully holding all of our emotions in your oceans depth. Taking our sorrow, you refresh our spirit. Taking our pain, you restore ease. Taking our weariness, you revive us with your regenerative power. Taking our  burdens, you give us a reprieve; a serene place to rest and heal our body, mind and spirit.

Ancient primordial mother, your holy power and essence fills the vast oceans of the world. You rock us in your gentle arms, keep secrets, hold mysteries, and provide for us all. You are the great womb of the earth; your sacred salty waters birth our spirits. 

Ferocious yet playful your energy invites us to enjoy rest and recreation - to play in the sand and surf... to surrender and relax into your buoyant embrace, trusting in your strength and abundant ability to nourish and nurture, heal and restore us on every level. 

Old Woman of the Sea, I first met you when I was a girl... while building sandcastles by the waters edge. Methodically dripping wet sand to create little fortresses for my soul to live, away from the overwhelming cares of daily life- I poured my heart into the making of each castle. And, each one held all my secret thoughts, hopes and fears. I still marvel at the way you patiently waited and watched... giving me time to vent and create and dream, allowing me to witness my creation for a little while, before gathering it up and erasing it from the prying eyes of others... Somehow, it was an unspoken game we played - give and take... I gave of myself and you took me into your special care. Erasing all traces from the shore that I'd ever been there... Yet, clearing the slate for me to begin again, and again: Always a fresh, new start. 

I can still remember the way your gentle love reached for me over and over and over again... softly touching, cleansing, healing, and cooling my skin, my soul. Endlessly, your voice whispered words of encouragement, peace and truth. Your rhythmic caress soothed and comforted me - it still does. It still does...

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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