
04 July 2022

Love Letter to Thmei

Beloved Goddess,

Ever wise and just, tending to matters of Universal Law, and yet, with great patience, you guide me to learn its patterns and internalize its ideals so with conscious awareness I can use its divine wisdom throughout the year with foresight and balance. I am deeply humbled and honored by your loving attention to my growth and well being.

Thmei, I deeply honor you and truly respect the ways you guide and teach me. Graciously watching over me- not seeking error or pointing out the ways in which I fail, but looking for right action, my wise decisions, ethical dealings and fair conduct. You never imprison or punish me, rather, you help me accept even more independence and freedom, all the while encouraging my practice of keeping truthful with my self and others. 
You are a bright and shining example of dignity, sovereignty and integrity. I appreciate the way you steadily and dependably grace me with the power and courage to endure, to continue my sacred journey... Thank you for loving me, and for inspiring me to always be willing to try again. 

Keep me in harmony and unity with the Universe - with the Oneness of All Creation- with Source. Release from me all inequity and discord wherever it dwells- body, mind, heart or soul.

Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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