
13 July 2022

Love Letter to Scathach


Beloved Goddess,

Gazing upon your proud warrioress' face, I see a family resemblance! Fierce and bold, your name means: "She Who Strikes Fear". Ancient Mother of my bloodline, I call to you from across the realms of time: Come, stand with me, now. Embolden me!
Grandmother said it is you who has endowed me with strength and endurance, allowing me to be braver than I sometimes feel and to persevere with victory no matter the situation.
Be my guide and protection. Teach me the old battle cries so I may use my voice fearlessly. Teach me the ancient ways of using magick as a weapon so that I may be empowered and able to fight for women and children who cannot stand up for their selves. Teach me our families traditions and the forgotten arts of healing and magick. Teach me also, how to harvest and use the wild purple milk thistle that grows everywhere around me.  It has been used by our family for thousands of years. Grandmother taught that it detoxifies the body, especially the liver and the skin, yet. I do not know how to handle it without getting poked by its spiny pricks. And, if you know, show me how to make perfume from wild mountain heather.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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