
05 July 2022

Love Letter to Mala Laith


Beloved Goddess,

I was so happy to find you this afternoon, when I came for a visit. I didn't expect to see you sitting there with your eyes closed. For a few moments, I listened and held my breath to see if you were still breathing. When I saw the slight rise and fall of your breast, I sat beside you and tried to be as quiet as possible, so as not to disturb your rest. 

I looked at every line on your face and hands. Softly smiling at your ancient beauty. Your strength is evident even though you don't move as quickly as you once did. 

Grey One, you who made the mountains and the sacred stone circles, I wish I would have spent more time with you when I was younger... Grandmother tree told me once, that you are the record keeper, when I asked to see her rings. I remember wondering just how much you really know! She said you know everything there is to know! And, that I would be wise to visit you and listen very closely. I tried a few times... but I didn't really understand your language and was soon distracted by all the voices on the wind. Bees, tall grasses, birds and the streams of water sang and chattered so much, I was certain they knew more than you. I know, now,  how foolish that was. 

Mala Laith, I sit here with you and wonder, now: Is there anyone dead or alive who could hold the vastness of your wisdom? 

Your sturdy presence comforts me; I always feel so safe and protected when I'm with you. I wish you were awake, so I could tell you. I secretly grateful that hold all the knowledge and wisdom of timeless eons, for safe keeping... As we are more and more forgetful as the years go by. 

For years, I've watched you travel across the land with pigs, birds, deer and an old gray horse, carrying a burden of gifts, some have named maturity.  As a child, I thought I'd never become old enough to receive even one of your gifts: knowledge, wisdom, sensibility, understanding and preparation.  Now, I find that you've given them all to me unaware. When? I don't know. Perhaps in my sleep, or while I was busy healing wounds, forgiving myself and others, or finding my inner voice. 

Today, I am wearing gray in your honor, and asking that you please release me of inner bickering, and grant me a quieter mind in its place. I still carry every little stone you've even given me, with love, gratitude and inner fortitude. You've always offered such sage advice and good counsel. As I sit here with you, with sacred intent I focus on all the compassionate thoughts I can think, the wise words I can speak, and the sound actions I can take in regards to the  communication and unity I want to share with others. Please help me recall every precious memory and wise guidance you've given, so I may pass them on to my daughter and granddaughters, before they are not lost upon the wind. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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