
17 July 2022

Love Letter to Amari De


Beloved Goddess,

How wonderful it is to be in your company. I miss the nights when we would dance, arm in arm, around a bonfire... our tribe gathered in joyful communion! 

How beautiful you are! I can still see your face in my memory, inviting me to explore something hidden within myself, or go on some wild adventure. Remember how we would laugh and sometimes cry with the intimate sharing of our secrets, life and love!

When I close my eyes, I can still see the holy light emanating from your enchanting face; your divine spirit a bright beckon in the darkness, enticing me to come closer, to come home. 

How kind and generous you are, bestowing love, health, humor, wealth, beauty, fertility and insight to anyone who seeks you. 

Great Mother of all things, help me to find my way back to you...

Gypsy Goddess, call my spirit home, I long to be one again with nature. 

Under starlit nights our long skirts would swirl as we danced, our bracelets would shine like stars and the music would echo in our minds long after we went to bed... somehow continuing in our dreams. Beside a stream sparkling with sunshine, the following afternoon we would picnic and share the most enlightening, joyful, profound and heart-felt conversations. 

How I miss you! I need your wisdom and presence in my daily life. Truly, I adore you! Please guide my path. Let me find my way back to the days of mystic wonder and colourful, bohemian living... Lead me back to my souls tribe... where I belong!

I keep my Amari De amulet with me always, awaiting with joyful anticipation the night you bring my true love to me so I may more fully live my life in love. Before going to any social event or group outing, I collect my magickal love charm to take with me. And, before leaving the house, I remember to do as you instructed: Carefully and with sacred intention remove the ribbon that ties the square of silken fabric which hides a little box of matches decorated with your image, edged with glitter. I take a match out and strike it into a bright flame so your light can lead my way; So he can find me, and I can find him! I know that when the time is right, it will happen. Until then, I patiently await.

Beloved, I am most grateful to know you... happy that you are mine, and that you love me. 

Please come to me, soon!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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