
20 July 2022

Love Letter to Hina

Beloved Goddess,

You are a beautiful and constant source of inspiration. Dependable and rhythmic, your powerful and eternal energy influences us all in practical, magickal and mysterious ways!

Ever changing, you remind me that the phases of my life are sacred. Each cycle has a divine purpose. Honoring you, I learn to ebb and flow, give and receive, hold and let go, and live in harmony with nature and my authentic self. No matter how things appear, or how fragmented I may feel, you remind me that I am always whole!  
I have learned so much from you! I not only find great comfort and peace in your presence, I have learned that I can truly trust your guidance. With the ever changing faces of the moon you teach me, and all women, how to embrace our power, utilize and align with the natural flow of our energy, and how to honor all  aspects of ourselves in meaningful and loving ways. 

With the full moon I embrace, nurture, care for, nourish and support myself and others. I encourage growth, conceive or develop ideas and dreams, and, if needed, become fierce, feral or protective. 
With the waning moon I turn inward. I become introspective as I feel, listen, trust my inner knowing, and honor my own deep wisdom and insight. And, make plans, gather and prepare.
With the dark or new moon, I slow down, allowing my body to rest, cleanse and purify itself. I do not allow intrusion as I release, let go, and replenish myself.
With the waxing moon, I bravely open myself up for adventure by exploring new ideas and possibilities and stepping out of my comfort zone. Welcoming new beginnings helps me to break through limitations and expand my awareness, starting new projects and working on them to completion allows me to express my potential. This is my ideal time to seek balance while being playful, resourceful, imaginative and creative.

Hina, throughout each month, I can feel your loving and supportive energy guiding me to honor who I am while living my life to the fullest. I am so grateful for you ever watchful eye and gentle encouragement.
Thank you!

-Yours devotedly

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