
07 July 2022

Love Letter to Kamuhata Hime


Beloved Goddess, 

Braid the strands of fate, and create for me a solid and lasting romantic relationship. Find my true love with your artistic eye, the one I most desire, and with care please spiritually join us and physically bind us together with beautiful, strong, loving devotion. 

Kamuhata Hime, only you know just how long I've waited to meet him! Guide me so that I am in the right place at the right time, so we can meet and know one another as if a memory from countless lifetimes. Soul recognition of our mutual hearts longing, may we weave our life together in happiness, comfort and sensual pleasures and delight. May we act and speak in ways that secure each others truest well-being always. May we effortlessly manifest the life we jointly desire as we allow one another to grow and blossom individually and also as a committed couple. 

Stargazing, night after night, I search the heavens for your face... Star-crossed lovers, we will create a charming bohemian home, lush gardens and magickal circles for gatherings. We will indulge our creative urges, practice Tantra, nurture and nourish one another, spend time in nature and consistently live a seasonal life- honoring the sacred cycles and celebrating every little joy and blessing. 

Bring my life mate.  Make my dreams come true. Bring my true love. Make our dreams come true, for the highest good of all.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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