
12 July 2022

Love Letter to oShion

Beloved Goddess, 

Healing power flows freely from your holy crown like silky strands covering the world in a calm rhythmic cycle of cosmic wellbeing. Sacred are your waters! Precious, your life-giving Source energy soothes, unites, heals, hydrates, nurtures and sustains us all.
A halo of love graces your divine face as if kissed by early morning light, just as we are kissed by you. How glorious and wondrous is the power of love, and the magick of water! 

Whatever is perceived as lack or loss, is truly not. I need only look to you to realize that abundance is always overflowing! 

Whatever I fear, or feel is not enough, is only ever an illusion. There is never lack where there is love!

Soft, gentle and constant is your willingness to be a gift, a prosperous blessing. And, we who see with eyes of love, the most fortuitous receivers of your abundant kindness, praise our beloved benefactress.

Good luck and serendipity are the garments I wear this day! Bathing in rose and violet, the fragrance of summer love, a token of good luck wraps your blessings all around me as I travel through each hour in a day; one after another. 

Among my tribe, we band of gypsies, oShion, it is you who rules fortune and fate, guiding our hands to craft sacred amulets and charms. Apache tears and Navajo turquoise wrapped in silver, suspend a rose quartz pendulum which I wear as a divinatory necklace. Ready in a moment to foretell 'Yes' or 'No' to any question I might ask of you.  

Wealth and health are the gifts you give daily. 

In gratitude, to ingest your blessings daily, I blend a Sunrise Smoothie of fresh fruit (orange juice, pineapple and strawberries) with yoghurt, chia seeds, ice cubes, cinnamon nutmeg, and a drizzle of local honey. Sipping slowly as I watch the sunrise, I can feel your energy and essence flow through my body- nourishing my mind and spirit; preparing me for all the unexpected blessings awaiting me as I open my heart to the day ahead. 

Please keep me in your sacred flow, and help me to let go and open, to both give and receive- willingly and effortlessly, trusting I am loved and have everything I want and need.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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