
29 July 2022

Love Letter to Voluspa

Beloved Goddess,

In your honor, I have vowed to keep away from all electronics, today. I have turned off the phone, tv and computer. 

For this day, I have chosen to reflect on the past. And, to honor my journey and the events that have brought me here. Earlier, I gathered all my old journals from the last couple of years and spent two hours reading what I had written. There was much I had forgotten and I delighted in the re-discovery of cherished wisdom/insight, beauty and magick!

I have just finished preparing our bountiful and colourful picnic: A roasted herb-crusted chicken, purple potato salad, deviled eggs, pickled beets, mushroom and feta filled spinach wraps, a bottle of red wine, a loaf of crusty bread, and peach tarts for dessert! It looks and smells delicious! Everything is tucked into the wicker basket, along with a huge thick blanket and a white tablecloth and napkins. I even packed the rose blossom silver set you gave to me years ago... I've also gathered a stack of Battenberg lace shamed Euro pillows for our comfort. It's going to be so lovely!!!

I'm so excited to be spending the late afternoon with you. I secretly hope our visit spills late into the evening (and I've prepared for the possibility by tucking in some candles and two shawls). 

Voluspa, please bring that thick tome that grandmother kept from her grandmothers childhood - the one filled with history and mystical tales from long ago... the one with all those exquisite illustrations that we've looked at so many times we've memorized every intricate detail. I love it so! Perhaps, you will feel inspired to read to me the way you used to do... I promise not to fall asleep, this time.

I'm ready to learn and engrave upon my mind the ancient stories; the old wise ways are being erased as if they never happened- I want to remember them... and share them with my grandchildren. Show me the truth of the past, that I may be fully aware and not fall victim to blind ignorance, the way many others do. Release me from the illusions and lies that seek to cause harm and rob us of our power, our culture, our sovereignty. Free my heart and mind so I may liberate Truth that resides eternal within my blood and bones. Help me to forget the false narrative and remember what is true.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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