
15 July 2022

Love Letter to Fuchi


Beloved Goddess,

Your genuine warmth and natural flow of energy inspires me to embrace my own inner fires in new ways. 
I look to you for guidance in creating more passionate and loving relationships with others. Please help me to get out of my mind and more into my heart - opening to allow a way for others to come in...
Through the years you have inspired me to be more courageous than I feel, while trusting that I am always protected and safe. With your constant encouragement, I am more able to endure whatever I am experiencing in the moment. 
Please grant me keener vision that I may see with renewed clarity and intentional focus. Please strengthen my resolve to overcome the obstacles in my life, to stretch beyond my comfort zone and preset limits, and to find ways to uplift my thoughts and mood so that I do not feel defeated or give up hope. 
Help me to visualize the ways I can change and do my best in all things. Help me to be more authentic and come into full alignment with my highest purpose, calling and soulful mission.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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