
16 July 2022

Love Letter to Meditrina


Beloved Goddess,

How I admire and respect your inner power, self confidence, wisdom and magickal skills. I have learned so much from you over the years, of herbs, herbal preparations and remedies, and healing charms. 

One of my favorite recipes is Aqua Vitae, a most healthful wine! It has proven to help me internalize your power of well-being over and over again. I use a apple cider with the 'Mother" as a base, these days, instead of a red wine... During the waxing of the moon, I add cinnamon sticks, cloves, ginger, allspice, and nutmeg to the pot of cider and steep it for 20 minutes over low heat. Afterward, adding a bit of honey comb from a local hive makes it utterly delicious! It's especially wonderful on cold winter nights... and is a suitable healing potion for all ages.

When I think back over my life, there have only been a handful of times that I was truly ill. Your wise woman ways have kept me well and healthy, have cured me from what ailed me by restoring balance and giving my body what it needed to heal itself. I am most grateful for you, and for those who follow the ancient oaths of causing no harm. 

As a crone, it saddens me to see so many people relying on medications and chemical drugs, when something natural and holistic would provide what they need to heal, not just abate the symptoms temporarily while causing further imbalance and damage.

Meditrina, please hear our prayers. Please restore balance to our world, our thinking and our bodies. Help us to be wise, discerning what is best for ourselves, instead of blindly trusting in others with hidden agendas for keeping us ill. And, help those in places of medical authority to wake up and realize what they are doing goes against the oaths that they have taken - help them to stop choosing greed over love, misinformation over natural wisdom, self importance over equality and compassion. 

Help us all to reclaim our own inner sovereignty and remember that our bodies are wise; given the opportunity they wish only to relay a message and are perfectly able to restore their own fortitude thereafter. 

Help us to trust our bodies, the earth, and the holistic healing modalities.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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