
27 July 2022

Love Letter to Nuvak'Chin'Mana


Beloved Goddess,

Many years ago, in late February of 1994, as Paula and I drove through Garden of the Gods on our way home from a month long journey in New Medico, you offered blessings for my returning an ancient Kiva blanket to its sacred home! 

At the time it was just a strange set of events, that I could not understand. Only now do I realize it was you! 

A drive that should have taken no more than 20 minutes to pass through, somehow took more than 3 hours! Three signs were given. The first was a dancing kachina on the roof of the old trading post- Though it was dark, there you were as clear as day. We pulled off the road and watched in awe; not knowing it was you, I was puzzled as to why anyone would be up on a roof of a building dancing all alone on a cold Colorado night. The second event, I will not mention- but you know as well as I. The third, was the event that I remembered today, and that which made me know it was you - the snow maiden, the ghost kachina that I encountered all those years ago! 

We were almost to the other side of the Garden, heading to Manitou, when it began to snow. As passenger, I was watching out the window when I suddenly noticed small little foot prints in the snow. Walking alongside the road! So tiny they were that I could only imagine a small child - of two or three - fearing that somehow she got lost from her parents and was walking trying to find her way. My heart ached, imagining her tear stained face. We crept along, slowly so to follow and keep her warm until the authorities could be notified. The small footsteps continued for almost a mile before simply vanishing! They did not continue, veer off across the road, or into the juniper brush - they just simply stopped and no one in sight! Yet, you were there... communicating with me in spirit. I wish I had known, and had been able to hear your sacred message. A grateful heart is one ready to give and receive more of the Goddess!

Please know that I honor the experience, Nuvak'Chin' Mana and am thankful for your presence in my life. If ever I am blessed enough to come into your blessed realm again, please make yourself known to me. 

Ghost spirit kachina whose name means: Snow Maiden, please send blessings of good health to us all, this winter. 
Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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