
08 July 2022

Love Letter for Buddhabodhiprabhavasita


Beloved Goddess, 

How bright and regenerative is your light and power. How magnificent is your wisdom and grace. Thank you for helping me to overcome all that seems dark and heavy in my life. 

As I sit with you in spirit, I feel your loving energy encircling me - I surrender my fears, and all that is hidden (even from me) to the light of truth. Let me be seen. Let me be known. Let my heart be free. Let my mind be at peace. Let me walk in beauty and honor the purpose I am here to share. 

Beloved, please help me to understand the Universal laws and cosmic truths that I may live more fully in harmony and alignment with the Divine.

Goddess, shine your light upon me - guide me spiritually to live in this physical realm with more power and with the ability to banish all that hinders me from having my needs met and thriving on mental, emotional, physical and soulful levels. Help me to manifest what I need each day. With deep gratitude, I bow.

To honor you, I wrap a yellow shawl about my shoulders during meditation.  As I close my eyes, I open my heart and mind, creating space for the divine spirit of love to enter and soothe my thoughts and feelings. 

My prayer at this time is for my financial needs to be met. Please hear me and guide my path to enlightenment and well-being on all levels.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly.

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