
30 July 2022

Love Letter to Tiamat

Beloved Goddess,

I love you! 

My heart aches knowing that your own sons are the ones who destroyed you... Why must this be so? Why have they, for all these uncountable eons, been allowed to reign supreme against you, been allowed to call evil righteousness? They have ever since rages against your daughters! They want to hide our power from us, deny that we are daughters of the primordial Queen - the Mother of us all!  Why, Great Mother? 

Please restore your holy self- Your ocean depth is still powerful; bring into your sacred being all that you are! Restore perfect order, the order of chaos, and disallow anything to come against you and your precious, life-giving truth and essence. 

We, your daughters are standing strong. We stand with you, for you, in unity with the divine feminine aspects of our being. Restore balance. 

Ooh Great Mother, I am but a babe crying for her mother. I do not understand why she has been wounded, severed and taken from me - Only bring her back to me! Return my beloved Mother, that I may suckle at her breasts and find comfort and strength in her arms, and learn to grow as a wise and strong as she. Please, Mother, hear my cries. Return to me in ways that empower all of womankind.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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