
30 June 2022

Love Letter to Antheia

Beloved Goddess,

How glorious you are! Soft petaled and dewy. Your delicate and fragrant beauty is as needed as fresh air, and as intoxicating as a bohemian woman dancing colourfully through virgin snow on a silent winter day. How gracefully you sway! Eyes cannot be lured away; forever transfixed.

Your romantic, floral sensuality seduces all six senses and fills me with an unexpected but evocative yearning for dreams yet to be borne. 

Whispering joy and indescribable love rushed forth and blurred my vision the first time I caught sight of your luscious face. Colours bled together, the way they do when unwanted tears unexpectedly fill ones vision. And, unlike the way ones hand just as suddenly brushes them away, I do not try to hide my emotions from you.  

I'll never forget seeing you there beneath that protective canopy of trees- doe eyed, your full lips still damp with the sweetness of berries. 

You froze. Not from fear, but from the same magnetic allure that kept my gaze bound to yours. . . 

Watching. . . with imperceptible motion,  your eyes never leaving mine, you stretch your arm out as if reaching for me- one smooth fluid motion that felt both wanting and giving... Your gentle fist enclosing a gift; unseen. Slowly unfolding, your fingers open- offering to me a handful of wild raspberries. 

A knowing trust, and then, honor blossoms wildly within my being- like a welcoming embrace: A kind reminder that I've somehow found my way back home, after a unbearably long absence. 

Though, not a home I've ever known... Yet, my true home. Where my core - the honey center of my soul has forever belonged.

With every bite, the sweet tartness of berries on my tongue, an unspoken promise was given. Unexpected hope tickled my every thought like childhood wishes flying freely from the white seeded fluff of a dandelion- lifting each to the winds of tomorrow. Where they would be kept and treasured until the time was ripe.

Looking back, you haven't changed at all... Only, I have! 

Ooh, Antheia. Our day is fast approaching; the year almost complete... Still untouched, unopened, the trust gift you gave to me hides in a secret place near the garden temple. I was never once tempted to peek! Quite surprizingly; even for me.

Our golden robes are finished. Finally! It took almost a year to embroider the hems and openings of each long bell-shaped sleeve with the finest stitches I could master. How I loved handling the silken thread, and truly marveled at the elaborate floral pattern you intricately designed. Looking upon them now, as they  hang in preparation for our special party, I can't help but feel a certain pride. The rich saffron hued linen is beautifully simplistic despite blooming profusely with exquisite flowers in crisp white, pink and blue.  

The menu is planned with a charming array of honey-laden fairy cakes, wild berries, quail eggs, and elderberry wine. 

I'm so blessed by your presence in my life, and look forward to seeing you open your gift from me!  Though, I'm secretly excited to gaze into the enchanting box you've given me, truth is, your friendship is my most precious gift!

Ooh, I almost forgot! Please remember to bring the myrrh when you come. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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