
29 June 2022

Love Letter to Tesana

Beloved Goddess,

With the pink hued light of early dawn, you bring hope and illumination.  Offering a deep feeling of restoration and the opportunity for a new beginning. 

Tesana, please also bring abundance and growth in the ways I most need. . .  With each new day, you give the chance to begin anew, to recreate self, and life. 

As I woke to see your beautiful countenance, I felt a lightness fill my body and thoughts and a glow emit from my heart and soul. The fullness of possibility just on the edge of awareness, grants a welcome sense of freedom- permission to be whomever I wish to be. A vast spaciousness allows my authenticity to emerge feral- no longer censored by self, or others. 

Goddess, please fortify my purpose and power. Strengthen my courage to start again in ways that more perfectly align with my souls desire.  Help me to bring to fruition my deepest dreams. Help me to be as optimistic and self-possessed as you... as self-assured of ones beauty and grace. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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