
07 June 2022

Love Letter to the Wave Maidens


Beloved Goddesses, 

Our world is in need of you more than ever! Please heed the urgency of my letter. Some evil plan has been put into motion, unbeknownst to most... These senseless and selfish acts are causing harm and disrupting the natural ways, affecting weather and the rhythmic seasonal changes. How dare they?!! If they are not stopped, it will lead to our catastrophic demise. I call upon you: Blóðughadda, Bylgja, Dröfn-Bára, Dúfa, Hevring, Hrönn, Himinglæva, Kólga, and Uðr... Please help us by the grace of your divine charity and holy might. 

Wave maidens, you nine who birthed the god of the sea, Heimdallr ; you who live on the bottom of the sea watching over the World Mill, please reply! What has happened? The ancient grandmothers say the mill wheel continuously turns with the seasons to bring fertility and harmony to us all... Yet something is not right! I fear something has gone horribly wrong. I am so afraid. Please ask your son to investigate and protect us. Mothers, please send word that all is well, despite the frightening rumors and evidence of unthinkable misdeeds against nature and all that is holy.

To honor your ongoing providence, and to show faith in your abundance, I ate no fish this day. Instead, I fed the fish bloodworms and blanched organic spinach (which I tossed upon the water where I have seen many swimming during past visits to Lake Balboa)...

Dressed in a flowing skirt dyed sea green and a top in a powdery shade of turquoise, I walked barefooted on the beach searching for you... My barefoot sandals glimmered with crystals with every step, and my cowrie shell belt rocked with the sway of my hips. I could feel your approving eyes watching me, which made me smile despite my concerns.

Kneeling in the sand beside the lake, I built an altar for you, and lit a blue candle to illuminate the hidden treachery perpetuated against us all. There, I placed nine mermaids (each different and unique): 3 small statues, a vintage card, 2 magazine cutouts, a beaded doll, a small box and a silver pendant with a pearl) to represent each of you individually. They each looked so beautiful on their own, but, also together. And, in the center, a large conch seashell was placed to represent your joint power of creation, protection and peace.

As I sat there watching the waves roll in and out... I felt your presence and was soon feeling more calm and assured that all is, indeed, in divine order, more so than I have in recent days. I knew you were with me in spirit, collecting my thoughts as prayer. Thank you! 

Gathering a small handful of sand in a small jar to take home for my goddess altar,  something bright glittered close to the waters edge, catching my attention. Yet, as I approached, nothing was there except for a smooth piece of driftwood roughly shaped like a mermaid!!! I felt it was your gift to me: A promise to promote your flowing energy and harmony in my life, but mostly, to protect all the children of Earth and fill the hearts of man with love for the waters of the earth and for all of humanity. 

Tears of joy and gratitude filled my eyes from the very depths of my heart.

Thank you!

-Yours devotedly

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