
14 June 2022

Love Letter to Mnemosyne

Beloved Goddess, 

Titan beauty, thank you for blessing me with the gift of memory! I treasure them all- even the unpleasant ones, yet I hold most dear those that are lovely, beautiful, uplifting and precious! 

Often, I think of you, and remember poetry... snippets of wisdom gleaned from the books I've read, conversations, inspirations and dreams... lyrics and songs... visions... desires... shared joy, and pleasurable intimacies,,, spiritual awakenings and re-sets... the exquisite wonder of nature... art... the laughter and sweetness of babies... stories, fairy tales, epic history, family traditions... dance, electric chemistry, kissing, and every sensual, erotic, or tangible sensations... colours... happenings and events that brought beauty and truth- revealed magick or mystery... that enriched my life... enhanced or changed my perception in a meaningful way... Everything that ever brought blessings, lessons and divine grace in various countless ways. There are so many people, places and things to remember with an abundance of love and gratitude. Thank you for this priceless gift! How blessed are we to have memories... 

Though, why are memories so fluid? Why do shared experiences leave us with different or conflicting memories? Why do we negate the memories of others believing and claiming ours alone are valid and true?

Such acute depths of sorrow accompany thoughts of life without memories. Memories tie us to the earth and to one another- they attach us to our identity of self, and our place in the world, and in the grand cosmic scheme of things. My heart aches for those who can no longer remember, for those who try to hold faces, names and memories, only to grasp futilely as they slip away like sand from their open fingers- 

Ooh! Those tormented or empty souls who suffer dementia or Alzheimer-and also for those who know and love them... 

What happened to them, Mnemosyne? 

I wonder: Do you, for reasons unknown to me, perhaps a grace unseen, just cease to share your gifts? Or, do they grow too weary of holding so much and simply let go, refusing all attachments? 

This has been a topic of conversation for many years... And, it's all rather confusing. 

Yet, on a spiritual level, I understand. A few years ago I had a profound Samadhi experience, during which, I had no memories... None. Absolutely no knowing of anything- no thoughts of myself, of my life, of Earth, or being alive- no memory of my body, the past, colour, trees, flowers, family- nothing at all! Just energetic essence of being- pure conscious awareness... Bliss.

And, though I may never know what that experience was all about, or be granted the answers to my questions, I'm cool with that... as I know that it is what it is, all is well,  everyone and everything is in perfect, divine order. 

And, this is enough. 

After all, to be aware, witnessing and living in the present moment is how memories are marvelously and miraculously woven together creating the fabric of this physical reality! 

Being- in the now moment, acknowledging, sensing, feeling, experiencing everything as it is given or created... present in the unfolding, nonjudgmentally witnessing and allowing the flow and blossoming to occur, channeling energy brings us into unity with existence- So, with acknowledgement, compassion and gratitude... I honor this gift- if only for a brief moment in time. I honor the holy gift of memory- lovingly held, my own unique reflection and expression of the great mystery and the eternal current of divine energy. I am blessed beyond knowing.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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