
26 June 2022

Love Letter to Sedna

Beloved Goddess,

Mother of the sea, provider of nourishment, I come to you today with deep love and heartfelt appreciation. I come with  an overabundance of thankfulness for the beauty of your nature and your divine providence. 

 Sedna, I also come to you with a heavy heart and troubled mind- reasons too unclear to list. Yet most, are likely in part due to the disturbing nature of a dream I recalled upon waking this morning. In the dream I was alone, rowing a golden yellow boat on a full moon night- in search of you. Uncertain why, though I seemed determined.
During my long, laborious  journey I grew weary of rowing and stopped to rest. 

Floating, I drifted. Quiet thoughts anchored me as gently rhythmically water rocked me. The peacefulness of nature gave me refuge and a calm, familiar comfort I've not felt in a very long time- if ever.

When suddenly, as if hearing distant rumbling thunder, I became aware of muffled crying. Listening intently, it seemed to come from deep within me! Or, from beneath the belly of the boat. It was such a mournful hollow sound... For a brief moment I considered: Perhaps a mermaid had been swallowed up by a whale? Turning to look over the edge of the boat, I saw a pale light beneath the surface of the water. Moonlight illuminated a flat bed of sand, and to my surprise, there you lay! 

Delighted to have found you despite my halted efforts... I reach for you. Only, as I did so, I realized that you were very still... and silent. Everything around me was eerily quiet, as if time stood still. You lay there as if dead. Alarmed, I knew I had been the one crying, as tears now streamed down my cheeks and fell into the water. A prayer from deep within my soul pleaded with all that is holy (She is just asleep - lost in deep slumber) escaped my lips, but raped the silence of the night sounding like an unending screeching howl!

…this is where the dream ends; leaving me with a profound sense of emptiness. Saddened by memory of great loss, this night terror haunts me still- the image of you, your long kelp-like hair floating in dark shadows- your lonely naked body... Ooh! Another burst of tears rushes forth at just the thought of that unnatural greenish tinge strangely obscuring your once luminous skin! And, mother, there was not a single fish to be seen! The waters were empty of life!

I've been trying for hours to decipher the meaning of this dream- I wish I could talk with you about it, face to face, to reassure myself it was only a dream... that you are safe and well. My sorrow runs so deep. 
Somehow, the atrocious misuse of and great harm to the water, land and sky is entangled somehow with this dream of your death... It frightens me to feel so helpless and alone.  

Send a reply as soon as you receive this letter, please! I call upon your protective power! I call upon you help in my longing to right the wrongs being done to our oceans, to the world. The imbalance is so great, and I feel powerless to restore it. But balance must be restored! We cannot continue on this way. We must live in harmony. Yet how, when everything is off-kilter? We cannot survive the consequences of our misdeeds if we don't make wise choices that bring about healthy change. We need divine intervention. We need you, Goddess. You are our life! Without you, there is no life.

I humbly request your assistance. Restore balance. Help us all to be more mindful and attentive, to live from our heart, to clearly see what is occurring right before our eyes, and to make conscious choices for the highest good of all. We need a great awakening from this unimaginable nightmare. We need more love for life, for one another, for nature. We need you!

Sedna, I pray with all my heart and soul that you are well and unharmed... You simply must be! I cannot imagine otherwise. With deep gratitude for you, please ease my troubled mind and restore peace to my heart.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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