
10 June 2022

Love Letter to Awehai

Beloved Goddess,

Why do you have so many names? We call you Awehai (earth's daughter), but others call you Ataensic and Eagentci (ancient bodied one) among many other names. Some of your names mean 'mature flower'... this must be because you are the one who brought seeds and animals of all kinds with you! They have grown abundantly and multiplied through countless years, gifting the land with vast beauty and abundance. 

How grateful I am that you came, but why you came is still shrouded in mystery. Even those who claim to know, cannot agree. 

My grandmother called you Sky Woman. When I was a little girl, she told tales of you falling from the sky! Her stories use to scare me! I would ask in horror: How could she have fallen from the sky? She said when the Tree of Life died, it left a big hole in the ground of heaven

You were a beautiful celestial being, she said... but, you did something taboo and your father or husband pushed you into the hole! I cried, as I could not comprehend how anyone could be so cruel and heartless. 

Afterward, throughout my childhood, I had dreams that I, too, was falling from the sky! I still remember the scary sensation of falling -seemingly endless falling. I always woke up from the dream before hitting the ground- relieved to be safe at home in my own warm bed. But, I would think of you, all alone in the dark. Grandmother said that many swans were flying and saw you falling; they flew beneath you, gathering together to protect you and cushion your fall... and that a huge sea turtle swam to give your home in the middle of the deep ocean. I was told that your home is our home. Because of you, we have a home here on Turtle Island.

To this day, I still think about you and the taboo that only ever was hinted at, but never mentioned. I still wonder: Were you wrongly accused, or, did you knowingly break a rule? Either way, I understand. I've experienced the consequences of both- and wish I could have a deep heart to heart conversation with you about the whole ordeal. 

My grandmother said you were pregnant; that you had twins. But, one was a good spirit and the other evil. 

She said always remember there is both good and evil in us all. Even, the most benevolent person harbors a trace of evil- as no one is perfect. And, the most evil doer, still has some good in them- thus we must not be harsh in our judgments. She said for me to always be willing to forgive. I always do. And, in fact, I have always felt such a tender place inside my heart for everyone- even those that do things so terrible I cannot understand or even envision. I am grateful to have a heart with more love in it than fear. Yet, I must keep consciously choosing love. 

Ooh!!! I almost forgot to thank you for the bumper crop of wild strawberries! They're so bright and deeply red this year, and, so sweet. Just absolutely delicious!  

Grandmother used to say that Sky Woman loves strawberries, and if I eat them (and, I could eat as many I want), that you would bless me in magickal ways! 

Is it true that they pave the road to heaven?! She told me to eat them often, that if I do, you will give me a long life full of happiness and blessings. Perhaps, eating strawberries is the equivalent to choosing love- choosing the sweetness of life! If so, I do! 

I am grateful for all the gifts you've given. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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