
06 June 2022

Love Letter Egungun-Oya


Beloved Goddess, 

You are beautiful and fierce, independent and unpredictable in all that you do!  Teach me to embrace these traits, that, like you, I may step into the fullness of my power. 

Dark Mother, you know me so well, and those who came before me, too. As the vast collective spirit of all my ancestors, I lovingly honor your wisdom and seek your continued support and guidance. I always seek out the liminal spaces, as this is where I feel your presence most. Without undue veils, yet gently, you grant me foresight; in like manner, please reveal my souls destiny. 

Mother of Death, I do not fear you. No! In fact, I grant you permission to call forth whatsoever within me is ready to die, that all that is destined to live may thrive, and may do so unhindered. Help me to willingly let go- and to fearlessly allow change so I can set myself free.

With the flames of truth in your hand, kindle my inner light, that I may dance awake all within me that wants to become fully alive. Spark and reignite my deepest desires, stir my passion for life and my creative expression that I may fully understand the essential mission of my soul in new ways. I am ready to live my authentic truth with renewed purpose.
I have been on this sacred journey all my life, so being tested on spiritual levels is nothing new... I am consciously aware that I am here for a purpose, that I am being divinely guided. I understand and accept this challenge! Open the door; I promise I will gladly step through! 
Egungun-Oya, I am ready to release all limitations, false beliefs, negative thoughts, fear, and restrictions of any kind... Just please help me get rid of the chains that bind me to the past, to burdens (mine, cultural and those passed down through my family) so I can shift into a new reality for my highest good, for the highest good of the collective and for the next seven generations.

In honor of you, I mindfully call upon all of my ancestors, angels, and guiding goddesses. Upon this altar I've placed sacred symbols that represent who you are to me. In the center a pure white candle with three wicks is burning and my prayers are spoken.
I ask for your voices to be heard. 
I seek your wisdom; moving forward I ask for your love, protection and guidance. I feel your small nudges... pushing me- indicating that I am ready. I take a deep breath... and close my eyes. 
Suddenly, I hear your voice, quiet and firm:
Stretch your wings, my child. 
Have you forgotten who you are? 
Maybe. . . 
You are an earth angel. 
I am remembering... Someone called me this before... 
Darling, you are an emissary of light. After a very long confinement (it seems you've been in denial of your true power), it's time to unfurl your unseen, energetic wings. Your own power will lift you higher than you can even imagine, and will grant you flight. 
Don't you know I'm afraid of heights?
Three angels are with you always. Give them permission, and they will show you what you must do. Listen; as they whisper hints to remind you of who you are! You are brave. Foolishly so at times... Yet, more unsure than most. Your inner flame flickers only when you are afraid on a soul level. You are a strong woman, and wise. Already, you have passed countless tests- endured much pain and sorrow for the holy sake of voluntarily undergoing intense, life-altering change and transformation.
Be watchful, now. When the time is right, I will send a lightning bolt to usher in new energy and opportunities! Your task is to embrace it all, demonstrating to me and to the Universe that you are ready to fly... When you finally realize that you are enough; that you are capable and worthy of your choices, you will awaken the deep, enduring passion needed for the path that awaits you. Be happy as you embark upon this path. Welcome new growth and expansion cycles, past life healing, and prosperity. 
We have your back! You are surrounded by the highest frequencies of divine love and light. Remember: You are a giver and a healer. Now is the time to courageously trust yourself, speak your mind, and live authentically from the place of your sovereign power. I would have you beholden to no man!! Be wholly empowered by your own abilities! You never lost your spark, my darling. Reclaim your Shakti power and your sacred sexuality! You are a force to be reckoned with! Own it! You are a leader who empowers and protects the rights of women. But, there is something greater awaiting you and your talents.  Consider building a postmodern womanist theological community. A difficult task, to be sure, but there was nothing easy about your journey thus far, nor the process of survival, learning your mystery at the cost of your innocence, teaching what you most needed to learn, or birthing and dying-community building will be no different! Trust me. You've got this!
I do?! I'm not even sure what that means! 

But then, there was only silence. And, the sound of my breath... and heart beat. 
Standing there in awe, I held your words close to my heart. I don't understand quite yet what you mean for me to do, but I am willing to do what my soul is calling me to do.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly 

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