
02 June 2022

Love Letter to Juno

Beloved Goddess, 

While I was up in the attic last week, I came across this painting of you! Who would have hidden it away up there? I gazed upon it periodically as I was going through boxes, and was simply astounded by your grace and beauty. I know it was painted many years ago, but still! Your breath-taking! 

Did you know I have always been in awe of your profound power of presence? Seriously! Your strength and wisdom are incomparable! I'll also confess that I've always coveted your legendary leadership skills, Juno. Will you please give me some practical tips? 

Yet, of all your talents and gifts, it's your quietly self-assured, unpretentious feminine magick that is most alluring, seductive and genuinely endearing! Often, during the last few days, I envision myself being as strong and beautiful as you, but I am just not able to fully embody your essence no matter how I try. 

You are a Queen- the Holy She Supreme! 

I've been replaying our last conversation over and over in my mind, while giving much consideration to your inspired suggestions and lovely invitation. Though I'm sure I'll be thought of as reckless or frivolous to do so at this time, I've decided to take you up on your generous offer and accept your help. How could I not? I am so grateful, and truly look forward to spending the summer with you in Rome! What a wonderful time we'll have together. I can't wait to discover what exactly you have in mind! It's been so long since I last felt safe enough to open myself to love and romance, but I know that you will offer the best guidance in all areas of my relationships, especially in regards to my happiness. Even though I'm nervous, I trust you and I am bravely willing to put myself in your capable hands. Just please don't try to convince me to cut my hair- You know I don't look good in short hair the way you do!

Remember the silver rings that Uncle Saturn gave to me when I was a little girl? I packed them in that old cypress box lined with blue silk, along with a pair of peacock earrings I found at an antique shop this morning (they have your name written all over them)! I'm bringing that little treasure box along with a few luxurious gowns to wear. But, as promised, I'm going to travel light this year. So, may I please wear the vintage stola you have stored in the guest room while I'm there? I know you think they're plain, but I think they are exquisite! I always feel so elegant and pretty while wearing them around the house and in the gardens. 

Did you ever get the pair of white peacocks you wanted? I hope so! I love walking through your gardens -the birds and beautiful flowers among the fountains and fruit trees are so lovely. Actually, they're quite magnificent. Unlike any garden I have ever seen. The white peacocks will be a spectacular addition!

Speaking of gardens, the 1st annual Lavender Festival begins tomorrow! I visited the farm two weeks ago and the fields of lavender were glorious! I can't wait to see all the delectable offerings available! There are sure to be many things to choose from, as I want to bring a few gifts for everyone!

Juno, please let me know if there is anything I should bring or do in preparation for my journey to you. I've been so scattered lately, I don't want to forget something important. I'll see you next month! You're such a jewel for inviting me.

Thank you!

-Yours devotedly

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