
16 June 2022

Love Letter to Chasca


Beloved Goddess,

Your mysteries are still hidden; unheard of by most... but Priestess, I have come to know you, little by little. Through the shape of a cloud, through the geometric patterns in a drop of morning dew, through the way the world looks when my eyes cross. You have taught me to see what others overlook.
The painted blue stripe across your eyes speaks to my soul. Without a word spoken, you teach me so much. All that you have revealed to my heart continues to grow; all that you have shown to my mind is in an almost constant state of bloom- like flowers in the rainforest.  I feel you with me always, but especially in the liminal times of day.

How lovely of you to create the most gentle aspects of the sun- dawn and twilight- for us to gather and commune with one another. Knowing how harsh the sun is to my pale skin, you show your love for me through the creation of soft light. 

Your mystical and magical ways of communicating with me are inspiring and deeply meaningful. By simply observing the geometric omens found in nature, I not only receive your messages, but the kindness of your energy and tone, as well. 

Beloved Chasca, your steady fire essence fills me with creative desire- to dance, to make love, to be in harmony nature... the sweetness of the hours during early morning and at the end of the day feel so good to my spirit, mind and body; they nurture and nourish my soul. 

Inspired to bathe in the cold river water today (it fairly took my breath away) proved to be much needed medicine. And, soaking in the hot mineral springs afterward, not only cleansed me in every sense, but I could actually feel you releasing fear from my body on cellular levels! No longer supported by fear, I could have dissolved into the water. So deeply entangled - fear has literally held my crystalline structure in place! But, I truly felt you upholding me- replenishing me and supporting me in ways I am not yet aware of...

In the moments I surrendered to your power- I sincerely asked that you please take all trouble and negativity from me- from my mind, heart and body... replacing it with your gentle strength and love. It was as if my cells are now fully supported with an inner passion to live life to the fullest with focus, harmony and renewed purpose aligned with the divine, with my soul reasons for being here at this time. Thank you so very much. I am grateful and honored by your strength and grace.

After I send this love letter to you, I will go outside and meditate with the cloud people... to watch for the answers I know you will share with me regarding my constant question about matters of the heart. 

Please reveal to me what I need to know, that I may be empowered to take the necessary steps to create my ideal reality here on earth. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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