
23 June 2022

Love Letter to Rousalii

Beloved Goddesses, 

Throughout the years, you have so patiently comforted me and graciously revealed deep truths and insight regarding my experiences. Truly, I am grateful, and so much wiser for having known you!

As a little girl, Granny would often remind me:  Never allow anyone to treat you unkindly. Otherwise, you will become wild and may unwittingly doom yourself to live with a mischievous group of other ill-treated girls! 

With all my heart and soul, I wanted to be among the most fortunate, well-mannered girls who were treated politely- with love, kindness and respect. But, being so tender hearted, I always felt absolutely powerless preventing others from mistreating me. 
Though I see the wisdom in her message, now, as a naïve little girl who was expected to keep quiet and remain unseen, I grew up unaware of my inherent value, and therefore, I suffered for it. Needlessly.

As you know, it is utterly disempowering to believe we are somehow to blame for the cruel words and behavior of others. So, whenever I was hurt, lied to, teased, wronged or betrayed, I feared being punished for it (yet, strangely, ironically, I punished myself- by holding on when I could have just let go!). 

Seven years ago, I said: Enough! 
Since then, I have been re-evaluating myself and my life. By conscious choice, I decide to redirect my attention, and began devoting my time and energy to learning to recognize, honor and reclaim my worth; to letting go and forgiving my self and others; to creating healthier, more supportive boundaries. Now, wiser, and no longer a victim, I do not permit mistreatment- of any sort. Not from others. Not from myself.

You glorious nymph-like beauties, are to be embraced! Thank you for teaching me Self-compassion, Self-love, Soul Retrieval and Voice Healing. You were instrumental in giving me a new perspective and helping me to heal, grow stronger: thrive. 

Ooh! I just remembered!
 Granny also warned: Do not go too close to the waters edge unless you intend to live with the Rousalii forever more in its hidden depth...

For most of my early childhood I was happy and fearless (except for being terrified of any open body of water...). 
Quite frankly, I wish I would have ignored her warning of drowning! And, just held on to who I knew myself to be; trusting my inner truth and higher guidance, instead. How my life would have been different had I just stood in my own power, even if it meant delving into scary, unknown depths! Had I met you then, perhaps I could have been baptized in the holy water of my own divine sovereignty sooner. But, then I wouldn't have become the woman I am, today. 

Regardless, I am thankful! My path is a precious, sacred journey of unveiling and reclaiming my authenticity. 
I owe you much!
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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