
25 June 2022

Love Letter to Hotogov Mailgan

Beloved Goddess, 

You are a wonder! Beyond wonder . . . 

My eyes search for you in the darkness. I get lost gazing into the depth of night- only to realize that I am found in your fathomless eyes: Soulfully looking into mine! Together we are singing one song in perfect harmony. We are one energetic essence of Source; Spirit divine!

Cast your shimmering light into the windows of my soul- deeper into my eyes. Fill my body of cells the way you illuminate the heavens, until starlight desire explodes and emerges as a hundred million dreams come true.  

Queen of the Sky, please use your creative force to empower me so that I may manifest white magick in my life! Fill my body, mind and spirit with sacred cosmic life force energy so I, too, may sparkle and shine as you do!

My eyes close, as if just kissed- the brilliance is so radiant, my heart aglow!

Lying beneath your soft celestial body, shadows fall over my skin in lavender, pink, and pale yellow hues- awakening secret longings to make love to the entire Universe. 

Sensual is the afterglow, aching with all that I know of you. I celebrate the beauty of this body, this earth, this life. I celebrate the grace to move and dance and melt into the holy delight of it all!

Ooh! Please! More. More... Surround and encircle me with your sweet seductive power as I bathe in bubbles that kiss my skin with glitter and glamour. Create galaxies of blessings upon my silky, wet flesh that restore its suppleness and luster. Drape me in starry strands of pearlescent light that will entice my dream lover to search heaven and earth to find me, to keep and cherish me all the days I have left of this life. No! I want love forever more... and into infinity.

In the warmth of this water and the coolness of the air on my naked skin... I surrender to the moment, I relax- fully. Meditating, my mind clears and spans across the vastness of the nights sky, united with you! Every cell in my body absorbs all the hopeful, dreamy energy that your stars shower upon me, inspiring me to be here. Now. And also everywhere- eternally. 

You are the beauty and the truth of wholeness and wisdom. Everything you are illuminates and endures pleasingly forever within my soul. 

Make me a super nova! Make me part of all that is too grand and beautiful for words... so the memory of its splendor is never lost, never forgotten. 

Always part of you.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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