
18 June 2022

Love Letter to Hermaphroditos

Beloved Goddess, 

Having been born in a world of contrasting yin and yang... preconditioned by a culture of strictly defined polarity between the sexes, it seemed so odd and unnatural as a child, to even contemplate the idea that anyone could be otherwise. It was impossible for me to mentally conceive of being a male, much less, a hermaphrodite!

Truly, it shocked my sense of reality! I related and resonated so strongly with the divine feminine that I could not imagine how it might feel to be both female and male in one body, even when I had the honor of knowing a living goddess, one such as you!  

Continually opening my mind by allowing the awakening of new possibilities, observing while releasing judgment, and by expanding my conscious awareness, throughout the years I have evolved and progressed. Now, I can see a larger, more expansive Truth: Within your holy body, you not only willingly hold, but you also beautifully balance both feminine and masculine energies! You are an example of what we must all do to reclaim our wholeness.

Until today, I did not yet fully notice just how gracefully and miraculously you do so! Nor, was I holistically aware of the ways in which I, also, do so! 

By the naked example of your anatomy, you teach me. No words are spoken, yet, you show me the truth of who I am on every level! 

Witnessing the wonderfully marvelous ways you blend both sexes, I am in awe of the divine demonstration of unity between the physical and spiritual realms. As the holy symbolic representation of Great Mystery, you graciously allow me to see my soul self, my own authenticity! 

Divine Revealing Wisdom: 

Goddess is also God.. .. .. God is Goddess!

I am the sacred dance of Shakti and Shiva. 

As Goddess, as Cosmic Womb, the Void, Deva, Mother Earth; the embodiment of the dark feminine essence holding consciousness- The logical force of the Universe dwells within Her body and flows through Her being, allowing Her to create, to give birth to life -to Herself! 

As the divine mystery, masculine energy gives Her the gift of pure consciousness; and the attributes of focus, reason and leadership. This outwardly expressive energy and essence is an inseparable part of the Cosmic Mother; it cannot live without Her. Just as we cannot! 

Within us is a powerful, productive, willful, self-directed force of energy that allows us to imagine, dream, create and express the mysteries hidden within our depth... This is true of you, and me. This is the sacred key that opens the locked box within us all, exposing our hidden treasure; reminding us of who we are and shall always be- Source energy!

Hermaphroditos, please help me transform the illusion of separation and merge the duality of contrasting thoughts and feelings into the unity of soulfulness and divine knowing, so I may live in the fullness of my sovereign truth of being - collective divinity. 

Show me how to weave all aspects of myself into a unifying whole. Show me how to bring my polarities into harmony so both aspects of my being may work together from a heart centered place- for my highest good and the highest good of all. 

Help me to look within, to concentrate, and to bring all the seemingly conflicting aspects of myself -all that is divine within me- back into balance, into oneness, into alignment with Source. 

Please allow me to acknowledge and accept with compassion, the wholeness of my truest self- both the dark and the light, the hidden and the revealed- every wild and holy aspect that makes up the totality of who I am. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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