
01 June 2022

Love Letter to Carna

Beloved Goddess, 

Let them think me unhinged, just please open the doors of opportunity that I may accept and live the life I am here to live. 

Support me as I stand in my power, as I speak my truth, as I walk in beauty and share my soul self in love with others for the highest good of all. 

When I first saw you standing at the entrance of the secret realm- I knew you would invite me in. And, I knew it would be a journey I could never forget. I remember it as if were yesterday. . . 

For three days and nights, after entering that magickal door leading into the great circular hall in the center of that ancient tree, I did not sleep. Before me you presented 13 doors and I entered into every single one. How deep was my meditative state! I could focus on nothing else! Each room was a journey within itself... within myself! 

Goddess, I didn't know at the time that it was you who called me there, who invited me in, who stood guard protecting that entrance until my return. 

I am compelled to revisit my journal, those countless pages upon which I recorded my experience. 

Show me what I am to do with it... Guide me in the ways I can best empower other women with the wisdom given to me. 

Bless me with your kindness again, Carna, that I may remain healthy, that I may embrace change, that I may create and foster kinship and wisely accept every divine opportunity offered to me. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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