
31 May 2022

Love Letter to Sisina


Beloved Goddess,

In your honor, as I set the table for dinner tonight, I lovingly placed a single flower on each plate. Also, I left an offering of sweet bread and a small glass of fruity wine for you on the garden altar in thanksgiving for all that you offer abundantly.

How gracious you are for overseeing the realms of orderliness, beauty and love. Sisina, I happily welcome you into my daily life. 

Please bless me with the gifts of a beautiful home of my own and many loving and pleasurable relationships in which to share on many levels in joy, passion and excitement with those that I invite into my life and sacred spaces.

As I light this white candle, I ask that you please remove any inner discord, and bring peace into all my secret realms as you graciously restore a deeper well of self love within my mind, body and soul. 

Help me to prepare myself for the love of a good man, that I may live the life I soulfully envision. 

Help me to create the next and best version of myself, the one that is ready and fully capable of creating and maintaining a joyful, supportive, intimate, empowering and romantic relationship with a man who will love and honor me on every level. Unite me with the man who matches or exceeds my love and willingly allows me to love him deeply and truly in return. 

Help me to always be as fresh and exotic as a flower, that I may feel beautiful, sexy and worthy in my womanly body, so that we may engage in Tantric practices with both carnal desire for one another and with full nakedness of spirit. For the purpose of pleasure and soul growth, help us unite profoundly in love on spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels.

Help me open myself in every way for this new kind of love - this healthy expression of authentic self with the man I have always dreamed of. 

Help us come together in true love. Love that invites and supports our truly open, honest, kind, compassionate and genuine style of communication. A holy union that recognizes and honors the divine in one another. One that invites and fosters authentic, passionate and playful interactions as we share daily experiences with one another.  A love that continues to grow and deepen over time and becomes stronger, and more precious and meaningful with each passing day. A love that will last a lifetime and beyond.

Allow me to fulfill my goals, and prepare me that I may enter into union with this man of my dreams in confident, trusting, empowered and divinely purposed ways. 

Goddess, bring us together and guide us in forming a holy union of love. Let us immediately recognize each other, and willingly choose one another in every way, again and again, every hour of every day. 

With deep gratitude and pure intention, please honor my request.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly 

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