
07 May 2022

Love Letter to Ix Chel

Beloved Goddess, 

While I was daydreaming yesterday, and a memory of you came to mind. You were wearing a skirt that flowed with fertile waters. It was beautifully dotted with water lilies and adorned with tiny bits of turquoise and jade. I can still see the sweet, far away expression on your face... the loving way you offered me a flower. Unexpectedly, I felt tears quietly stream down my cheeks as I thought of your kindness, gentle as moon light; and like the healing power of rain your words refreshed me- body, mind and soul.  

How blessed am I to know you, to call you sister, mother, grandmother - friend.

How blessed that you care for my well-being and enrich my life in every blossoming way.  Ix Chel, please continue teaching me the ways of transformation. Help me to let go as needed and open to what is mine in every moment. Send dragonflies - 16 - to guide my path, to bring me to the fullness of my being that I may live life without shyness, hesitation, regret. 

Lady of the frost and mist; Lady Rainbow... I accept the wisdom of the womb jar. I know it is foolish to hold on to the idea of youth and beauty. I will not fight the natural flow. I know that all faces are the faces of the Goddess - equally holy, equally beautiful, no matter their age. 

As I blessed the waters tonight, I heard your voice whisper: Love and nurture yourself. Bless yourself. If you do not, you cannot love, or nurture, or bless others. Make space for yourself in this busy world. Eat my herbs and be healthy.

I bow to you.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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