
01 May 2022

Love Letter to Maia


Beloved Goddess, 
I am honored to be your daughter. To be savvy to the ways of magick... to have inherited your sexual prowess and playfulness. It brings such depth of delight to my spirit to know that you hear me and help me make my wishes come true!
Maia, I've been feeling so knotted up inside, lately... part secret longing to be held and kissed and loved by my true love, partly fear that my life long dreams may never be mine... Please help me keep intact all that is sacred weaving within me, but allow all that is not to unravel and be blown away on the wind, with the passing of time - gently and harmlessly. 

Bona Dea, Queen of the flowers, I love you. I so deeply appreciate the wise medicine and magickal healing essence of the flowers you send to me. Thank you for helping me to soothe those raging emotions that once kept me sad, afraid, tormented; imprisoned. The flower remedy worked so perfectly, I've never suffered like that, since. As you advised, daily I bathe in rose water, and use the balm of lavender and calendula, often. How blessed am I to have the aid of so many essential flower oils! I just created a new combination, and set blessed it with the early morning dew. 

I'm still writing my book on rose. I am opening to learn her deeper magick and higher wisdom. Will you please show me where the wild ones grow near me, so I may gather and make many recipes to last through the year? I want to learn to distill their essence and use their vibration to heal myself and others in all the ways we need. I'll keep watch as I go for walks and take drives in the country. Please lead me to a huge, old growth, so I may gather abundantly without depleting their profuse beauty.

In your honor, I braided ribbons around the wooden pole in that huge flower pot of daisies. It looks so pretty to see the colourful strands blowing in the breeze. And, I'm wearing a floral summer dress to please you (and myself, of course) in celebration of your presence in my life!
Thank you!
-Yours devotedly

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