
16 May 2022

Love Letter to Hosia


Beloved Goddess,
I see you. I see your lightness of being woven throughout the moments in a day, through the whispering of leaves, in the faces of flowers, on the wings of birds, in the ripples of water and in the silence of my thoughts.  
Your grace allows me to forgive myself and others with ease. Your beauty allows me to see the holiness in myself and everyone and every thing around me. Your bounty allows me to bless the bread and fruits I am given, and with gratitude, eat what makes me holy ...

Thank you for creating sacred ritual. I love beautiful rites and the art of magick and creating a sacred flow in my life. 
Always, in your honor, I cleanse my ritual tools and crystals. Offering them to you for the blessing of us all. My power and magick is ever for the highest good of all.

Today, beloved Hosia, be with me in sacred ceremony and guide my energy toward the successful manifestation of my soulful desires. Bless the tools of my hands, heart and spirit that I may be cleansed of any impurity and allowed the grace of magickal purpose and focused consciousness in all that I choose and do. Help me to release the things (habits, thoughts, and energies) that do not align with Divine Truth and Love. 
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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