
13 May 2022

Love Letter to Mary


Beloved Goddess, 

I stand before you, and place my hands in yours. I give my heart to you. I focus my acts and energy and thoughts on love. 

I feel your gentle essence embrace me. I feel your cool touch upon my fevered skin offering sweet refreshment and hope.

I hear your whispered guidance tell me that I am as you... that everything I need is already mine. 

Like you, I claim my virginity - I belong to myself; I am a free woman. I am independent and autonomous; unified with the Divine. One with the holiness of being. One in Love.

Mother, remind me of who I truly am when I begin to feel overcome by all that others say I should be. Remind me of my authentic power and purpose here on Earth. Remind me of why I chose to come here, as I often forget. The energies are too heavy most days, and I end up feeling so weary from all the sorrow, fear-mongering, and strife. Mother Mary, open my heart ever wider that I may hold all that I am meant to love and comfort. 

Mary, Mother of Miracles, hear me, see me, free me. Grant me the ability to manifest and receive all that I need. Especially in the form of money, as no matter how minimal I keep my basic needs, I seem to struggle with money. Despite the acts of giving freely of myself, my heart and soul wisdom - I am not receiving an equal energy exchange. I'm left feeling uncertain (sometimes afraid) each month when my bills are due. Please make a miracle occur and bless me with enough money each year to budget. I need an allowance. Something I may count on. Please mother. 

Thank you.

-Your devotedly

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