
12 May 2022

Love Letter to Damara


Beloved Goddess,
I received your note to let me know of your arrival. Thank you for promising me well-being and improved fortune for the month! I truly need it and am most grateful. I am so happy to hear of your return. How I've missed you! 
The flowers are overflowing their beds and pots in joyful welcome!
Please come this weekend for a long visit. I will prepare your favorite tea, as well as cakes and other small bites to delight your eyes and sweet mouth. 
Let's make small floral garlands and bouquets tied with blue and lavender and pale green ribbon, like we did last year. Let's secretly leave them on the doorsteps of everyone who has been so kind and even to those who aren't! Can you just imagine their happy surprise finding them?
I have taken your advice to place flowers every where I need or want to find abundance. I've tucked petals into my purse, as the background of my cell phone, on my body in the form of oils and perfumes, in my hair, on the table, and even on my bedspread! I'm gifting flowers to everyone I know in the form of cards, art, poetry and packets of flower seeds. I want to spread the beauty of flowers everywhere I go!

Today, I even made a cup of rose and violet tea to infuse their energy into every cell of my body! I am so grateful for you, and for your presence in my life.
Thank you!
-Yours devotedly

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